
My name is Agata and I am from Tychy. Many times I had wanted to give my testimony in Czatachowa, but I had no courage to do so. Yet, I know that I have to write my testimony as Jesus gave me and my husband so much that I must share. I would like to strengthen women who experience or experienced the same as I did so that they will not lose hope, but beg Jesus, Jesus hears and the prayer will be answered. I have been married for two years. I got pregnant 3 months after the wedding in 2009. Yet, only for a week after visiting the doctor was I able to feel joy, as I miscarried in the 5th week. The doctors told us that it was normal, that it sometimes happened and that we should try again for a baby in 3-4 months’ time. We did so and I was pregnant in March 2010. Unfortunately, God took our child in the 7th week of my pregnancy.

We underwent various medical examinations after this miscarriage to find the cause. But the results didn’t show anything wrong with me or my husband. We regularly went to Czatachowa every month to ask God for a child. I was pregnant again in August 2010. When I was in the 8th week of my pregnancy I heard the beating heart of my baby when we visited a doctor; on the scanner I could see the outline of a small human. The next visit was scheduled for one month. I and my husband were so happy then. We thought that this baby would be on earth with us as we really wanted to have a child. I visited the doctor after one month and our gynecologist said: “I am so sorry but the heart stopped beating and the development of the child stopped in the 8th week,” so I carried a dead baby for a month. I could not believe it. I cried a lot and had no more strength. 

I got a referral for surgery to be performed the next day. When I left the doctor’s office I asked my husband to go to Father Daniel. It was a weekday but I knew that the Father Daniel conducts masses in the hermitage at 6 p.m. every day. I did not lose hope, did not rebel and accepted this cross. Yet, I begged God in my heart on the way to revive my baby through the prayer of the Father Daniel. I and my husband came to the hermitage for the mass. Father Daniel prayed in front of the Holy Sacrament after the mass and then went to the sacristy. I followed him and said that I had a dead baby under my heart and I asked for a prayer so that the baby would revive. Then he asked if I felt warmth in the lower part of my stomach and I said I did not. He kept praying and asked God for peace for my husband and me in our suffering. Then he added that I should not have lost hope and blessed me and my baby. I received from Father Daniel a small wooden picture with the holy family. I went to the hospital for surgery the next day. I had another USG made and still hoped that the child would come back to life. Unfortunately, the diagnosis was the same that the heart was not beating. The pregnancy was at such an early stage that I had no surgery but received miscarriage pills. I suffered immensely but said to myself and consoled myslef with the thought that I already had three children in Heaven They were happy there with God as God had spared them life on Earth and had taken them to Heaven. I gave my suffering to God and united with Christ’s cross and apologized for my sins and the sins of my family.

After this event we went to the Parish of St. Joseph in Częstochowa on the 3rd Saturday of the month, met with Father Daniel, and asked God for children. After the holy mass Father Daniel said that: “there is a woman who miscarried twice and God touches her”. Then he passed on to women who performed abortion. In this moment I told Jesus in my heart: “I am here and I miscarried, too. Jesus, I beg you fervently to allow me to have children” and at the same time Father Daniel said: “there is a young woman who miscarried 3 times.” My tears were streaming down when he added: “she will give birth to a son next year at this time and he will be the same as Saint Joseph.” I looked at my husband and told him: “we will name him Joseph.” My husband replied: “Yes. We will do so” and I was filled with happiness. I gave birth to a son after one year the same time (precisely on the 22nd of November 2011) and we named him Joseph. I and my husband thank God for Father Daniel through whom He acts in such a beautiful way. We give thanks for our son. We will spend Christmas with Józio.

Glory to His name! Agata and Michał Tychy.

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