Everything has its own time


God Bless You. I would like to give a testimony.

I had a strange ailment in my throat which bothered me when I tried to fall asleep. My throat produced various squeaking and whistling sounds which prevented me from falling asleep. I coughed, tried to clear my throat to get rid of it, but it gave me no relief. I spent the night sitting in my armchair and managed to fall asleep only in the morning. No medicines helped me. I went to the meeting in Czatachowa on the 17th of July 2010. The Father Daniel said then that nobody would leave this place without the gifts from the Lord Jesus. I came back home, my throat still gave strange sounds and I felt disappointed although although I did not want to and did not let myself think that way. But I still felt dashed. I do not even know when exactly it happened but after a few days I noticed that I slept the whole night and there were no more squeaks or whistles in my throat. I slept without any problems the following nights, and I have been able to sleep well ever since. I know that it was a gift for me from Lord Jesus.

Glory to His name.


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