Everything has its own time


Praised be Jesus Christ!

My name is Mirek and I came from the Saint Bartłomiej parish in Wsola. I would like to tell you about my wife’s nephew and all the good things which God gave us, thanks to these meetings which I have attended since March 2012. 

Jakub has been suffering from cystic fibrosis since he was born. All his life he has been observing how his friends passed away at the age of 18-20. He attained 24 years old, but the capacity of his lungs was only 17%, so  he could not even move without the oxygen. It was the time when it turned out that the transplantation of the lungs is the only rescue for him. 

When the funds for this operation were raised, unfortunately, some obstacles appeared to do this transplantation in Vienna.  Then I came here, to pray that God would bestow the possibility of this transplantation. 

After one month some good people convinced the specialists from Vienna to help Jakub and he had qualification tests in very short time,, which he passed successfully in May. During this time me and Jakub attended these meeting – me in Częstochowa, Jakub via Internet. Everybody was waiting for the telephone from Vienna, like for God’s coming and we received it on 1st July 20012. Jakub was transported in a few hours from Lublin to Vienna. The surgery started in the very late evening and lasted long time. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the doctors had to saw the hole in the heart muscle. However, everything finished happily and the doctors had good thoughts about the results of this operation. After one week from this operation,  I went to visit Jakub with my wife and sons. He was able to stand up, to sit, to move, despite a few unexpected obstacles which he successfully struggled with. After the surgery of sinuses, Jakub came home on 12th October. Now, he undergoes controlling tests every month. 

I would like to say with everybody : PRAISE TO THE LORD!

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