Thank You Lord for what you have given me and what you have taken from me


I am from Sosnowiec from the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Parish. My name is Elżbieta (Elisabeth). I have participated in the community “Love and Mercy of Jesus” since August 2009. My faith is strengthened; I constantly convert and can help my Brothers and Sisters by being the part of this group.

My path to God is filled with many surprising events. From the time when I started to believe that there are no coincidences in the life of the believing Christian, but only inability to discover God’s signs in everything which life and people brought to me; signs which started to give life another, deeper meaning. When I was cured from deafness in my right ear in December 2009 my faith became strong and I asked: “Lord Jesus, how should I understand it?  Please tell me.” I repeated this question for a long time and finally got the answer: “So that you could hear the voices of Brothers and Sisters who need prayer and evangelization.”

Lord Jesus tried me deeply in many ways and for a long time. However, I give thanks for all graces today which I received. The fear and anxiety were taken away and I experienced great joy from the healing of my body and soul. I was cured of an allergy by the Lord Jesus in the retreat in Olsztyn in January 2011. I feel the greatest joy when I see the conversion of people who are prayed for. Now I know that fervent prayer and the healing of body and spirit were necessary for me and the others so that they could believe in and trust God. “Who is like God?”

Lord Jesus, I would like to thank you for all that you did for me. You taught me to appreciate the value of each day on which I meet you in the Holy Communion. The Lord Jesus I would also like to thank you for this priceless gift of Your love, for establishing the Holy Sacrament without paying attention to human perversity and ingratitude.

“Thank You Lord for what you have given me, for what you have taken from me and what you have saved me from.”

Glory to His name.

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