Praised be Jesus Christ!
Dear Father Daniel!
I decided to give my testimony on the last prayer meeting as I received many graces in 2007 and 2008. When I was healed (my left ear) I gave my testimony at the next meeting. I was very happy that as of October 2010 these meetings would be held in Częstochowa in the parish of St. Joseph’s as I could seldom go do Czatachowa. But also because there are so many testimonies or so many people I only sit and listen.
However, as of August this year, maybe for this reason, the pain in the knee and spine returned (after 7 months) or maybe due to an overload of work (I think that is more probable). It had become more painful. I participated in the meetings of the Community of Love and Mercy of Jesus in August, September and October in the sanctuary of St. Joseph’s and I asked to be healed but it did not happen. Therefore, I wanted to publically thank and give glory to the Lord for everything that I had received. Yet, as there were so many people waiting in the queue I did not manage to give my testimony. So I at least decided to write to Father about it.
Then I felt strong pain in my spine and back in December 2010. I could not move freely, bend or even tie my shoelaces. The doctor prescribed me very expensive injections which I did not pay for. Then there came Saturday the 18th of December 2010. I was to go with my colleagues for the whole prayer meeting. I almost backed out of it as it was even difficult for me to put on my clothes. Moreover, it was hard for me to get in the car. I also remember that at the very beginning when I was kneeling I felt a little pain but then it passed away. There was no word of recognition for me; nor did I feel warmth or anything similar, but I came back totally healthy. I felt no ailments on Sunday. I could visit my son for Christmas and do everything. I could carry heavy bags etc. Glory to His name! I Thank Him and let Jesus be worshipped! And blessed!
However, I fell down on the stairs and something happened to my knee in February 2011. I felt pain and walked unsteadily. As a result I could not go home as I had planned. The pain was constant. The next prayer meeting was in one or two weeks’ time from which I came back home and felt no pain in my knee. Nothing.
I was extremely grateful to God for everything. I thanked Him. Yet, I would like to apologize to Him today that I did not give my testimony then before the others to strengthen people’s faith.
However, I would like to describe two experiences the Lord gifted me with to show how He Himself persuades me about the truthfulness of everything that the Father said. During the prayers in April 2011 I stood close to the altar. When the Father told us to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit that surrounded us; when he told us Jesus wanted to fill our hearts and many other things besides I was Just standing, it is hard for me to define it in proper words clear-headed and thought to myself “Lord Jesus, is it really true that this Father is so gifted?” Then I thought about this and suddenly, totally surprisingly I started to experience (it will be hard to describe it in words) something or somebody was extending my heart and soul and wanted to enter them. I simultaneously felt such great love and bliss that the tears were freely streaming down and the thought came to me “Jesus, You are really here!” Lord, give us more faith! Glory to you, Lord.
Friday the 30th of September 2011 came. I was preparing dinner. As I was by myself I played the CD with sermons of Father Daniel recorded from the internet and “randomly” selected by me. It was from May of that year that I was absent from the meeting. The Father told us that Jesus the exorcist of the God Father would relieve us that day. While listening to the beautiful Easter Hymn (“On the holy feast of the Lamb”), which the father would say Lord Jesus would also relieve these who were listening to it by the internet or would listen to it in the future. The Father also asked us to give ourselves or family members to God. I did so. I made a break in cooking with the intention of repeating the words of the hymn after the Father. From the very first words the Lord bestowed on me the gift of joy for the first time in my life (I had only witnessed it before). I laughed and the tears kept streaming down from my eyes from this laughter. I felt such great joy in my heart which permeated me to my depths. Every word of this hymn brought me joy, laughter and tears. Yet, it has nothing to do with laughter that comes from watching, say, a cabaret or a comedy. It is something totally different, ineffably more beautiful, and deeper, touching the depth of the inner self.
I would like to testify about it due to the fact that the Father also said then that some people thought that there was mystification going on during the meetings, everything was planned or or it was a theatrical play being performed.. No, no. It is really Jesus and His Holy Spirit who act here. There is no time for Him and the father is the instrument selected for it. I wish that everybody believed in it. Amen
May God be with you. Elżbieta (Elisabeth).